History: Program by tracks

Source of version: 16 (current)

!!Summary at glance
*[Wiki Track]
*[Industry Track]
*[Open Collaboration Track]
*[Posters Track|Posters]
*[Doctoral Symposium]

{include page=Wiki Track}
{include page=Industry Track}
{include page=Open Collaboration Track}
{include page=Posters Track}
{include page=Workshops}
{include page=Demos-Tutorials}
!!Doctoral Symposium
The WikiSym 2010 Doctoral Consortium will be held immediately after WikiSym, from 10:30-17:00 on Saturday 10 July 2010, at the conference location in Gdansk, Poland. The consortium is open to all doctoral students (at the time of the consortium). Students beginning their research are especially invited to submit. The consortium is aimed in particular at students who have defined a dissertation topic but are still approximately one year from finishing at the time of application. However, students closer to completion can submit their work for discussion in the forum.