History: sponsors and supporters

Source of version: 14 (current)

!::Sponsors and Supporters of WikiSym 2010::

::{img src="dl10" alt=""} ::

::A [http://www.tjef.org|The John Ernest Foundation] project.::

!!::Sponsored by::
::{img fileId=20}::
::The Wikimedia Foundation::


::{img src="dl8" alt=""} ::

::In cooperation with [http://www.sigweb.org|ACM SIGWEB] ::

!Sponsorship opportunities
If you are interested in sponsoring WikiSym, please see our [dl19|sponsorship package]. There are a wide variety of targeted sponsorship possibilities available, including (for instance) sponsoring the attendee reception or the daily coffee breaks. Additionally, you may wish to consider a special sponsorship to provide scholarships to promising students who apply to the conference and are accepted but may not have funds to attend. Thank you for your consideration!